Planning and Process in Environmental Management

Inyang-Abia M. E., Uchendu, V. C., Anijah-Obi, F. N., Jaja, S. O. & Obi, F. B. (1995). Lagos: Macmillan Nigeria Publishers Ltd.


Planning and Process in Environmental management is a compelling Thematic adventure into the vast intellectual Terrain of Environmental Planning. In This book, key chailenges To sustainable Environmental Management in Nigeria, Assessment of Success in Environmental Management as well as Human Relations in Environmental Management, among others, are well treated in a thought-provoking and pragmatic style. The book is a heritage for future generations.


Environmental sustainability has now assumed a global dimension. To sustain this momentum, the need for well-articulated planning and process principles in environmental management arises. lt is the unmitigated and felt need that has given rise to this comprehensive module: Planning and Process in Environmental Management.

Among the wide variety of topics in the general area of planning and management covered by the book include foundation information such as basic theories, the historical perspective, communication, human relations, leadership, resources management, negotiation, teamwork and assessment.

Planning and Process in Environmental Management is a book designed for wide readership. lts scope covers general spectrum of planning, process, management and environment but with the focus sharpened on the environment. It is therefore highly recommended for readers in these areas in particular. But since everyone has the right to know about the environment, the book provides some useful information and data for all categories of readers.

All the authors and co-authors whose works have been cited are duly acknowledged. So also appreciated is the effort of the Nigerianm Conservation Foundation(NCF) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) without whose funding the book would not have been.

V. C. Uchendu
E N. Anijah Obi-ldem
S. O. jaja
M. E. lnyang-Abia
E B. Obi


    1. Planning and Process in Environmental Management: An Introduction - Prof V C. Uchendu
    2. Planning as a Tool for Environmental Management - Prof V C. Uchendu
    3. History of Environmental Management in Nigeria - Dr S.O.Jaja
    4. Impact of Work Orientation on Environment - Prof VC. Uchendu
    5. Environmental Resources Management in Nigeria - Dr. S. O. Jaja
    6. Key Challenges to Sustainable Environmental Management in Nigeria - Dr. Mrs. Franco Anijah Obi-Idem
    7. Strategies for Effective Environmental Management - Dr. S.O. Jaja
    8. Leadership in Environmental Management - Dr. Florence B. Obi
    9. Communication Processes and Skills in Environmental Management - Dr. (Mrs. ) Franca Anijah Obi-ldem
    10. Human Relations in Envionmental Management - Dr. (Mrs) Franca Anijah Obi-ldem
    11. Team Work in Environmental Managament - Prof. M.E. lyang Abia
    12. Negotiating for Sustainable Development - Dr. (Mrs.) Franca Anijah Obi-ldem
    13. Assessing Success in Environment Management - Prof V. C. Uchendu

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